Gary, Indiana vs Lafayette, Indiana Population and Size Compared
Lafayette, Indiana vs Gary, Indiana Size in Square Miles
Gary, Indiana’s size is 50.6 square miles, and Lafayette, Indiana’s size is 29.5 square miles. This means that Gary’s size is about 1.7 times as large as Lafayette’s. Put another way, Lafayette’s size is about 58% of Gary’s.*
Gary, Indiana vs Lafayette, Indiana Population Graphed
Gary, Indiana’s population is 69,093, and Lafayette, Indiana’s population is 67,140. This means that Gary’s population is about 1 times as large as Lafayette’s. Put another way, Lafayette’s population is about 97% of Gary’s.*
Lafayette, Indiana vs Gary, Indiana Population Density Compared
Given these cities’ populations and sizes, we can easily calculate the population density for each and compare them. Gary, Indiana’s population density is about 1,366 people per square mile. And Lafayette, Indiana’s population density is around 2,276 people per square mile. Thus, Lafayette, Indiana’s population is approximately 67% more dense than Gary, Indiana’s.
Gary, Indiana vs Lafayette, Indiana Map
Check out the map below to see where these cities are located, and click on the pins to see their populations.